Tuesday 24 January 2012

Why am I doing This?!

Ever had that question nagging at the back of your head?? “why the…umm hell am I doing this?”.. must have been more than once right?? On Google-ing it what you get (other than “why am I doing this” vidioes and lyrics) is a host of sites that donot answer that question for real for you… Probably no saint or psychiatrist could do that to your contentment.

When on the loss of all logic, all you need is a time to think it all over 
again.. and if that doesn’t come by all that easily throw it up at times 
mercy call it your hard luck… run it down ash it away… 

An artist’s unfinished vision

A sketch undone, A Painting incomplete, The scribbles that could have been masterpieces but never were…For the many things unsaid, the reasons unexpainted, for the thoughts unexplained I bring to you..
“Blabbering Biatch”